12 October 2010

Nostalgia. Oh, and a Baby Photo Challange.

This photo is being submitted in the Trendy Treehouse Baby Photo Challenge.
The Trendy Treehouse

This has been the first full week that I’ve been participating in photo challenges from various photography blogs, and I have to say that I’m really having a fun time. I LOVE seeing other people’s photos and learning about how to better my own photography.

So, with that said-

I’m nostalgically shifting through William’s newborn photos that we took one cold winter’s day back in February. Oh how he was so tiny.  So fresh. So new. I’m amazed at how quickly life changes in just a few short months.

Along with these photos, I’m also reminded of how far we’ve come in William’s health. We’ve been in and out of doctor’s offices, lab visits every 2-4 weeks, countless tubes of blood have been drawn, sleepless night and days of pure stress and worry. This is one of the reasons why I’m exclusively 100% breastfeeding. With all the ups and downs of his liver and kidneys, I want to make sure that he is getting the best nutrition possible. 

My boy is strong. He’s a rockstar. We’re rockstars. And we’re living life to the fullest and embracing the hand that has been given to us.



  1. your pictures are amazing!! I snagged your button and put it here http://www.livelaughloveourway.com/2001/03/our-friends-our-awards.html
    both of my blogs have new buttons if you'd like to snag them :)

  2. So sweet. It makes me miss my little ones being that small. How fast they grow! Thanks for the comment, and thanks for following!!

  3. Amazing pictures, this is my first visit to your blog and I love it!
