22 August 2010

I LOVED this weekend because...

I loved this weekend because...
Ron cooked eggels for everyone first thing in the morning, along with the perfect cup of freshly brewed coffee- Boca Style. Eggels is what we, in the Roe Household, call an egg on a bagel.
Nom Nom Nom.

I loved this weekend because...

laundry was officially on hold until Monday.

I loved this weekend because...
we went on a family walk- enjoyed each others company, enjoyed the scenery, enjoyed the first signs of Fall.

I loved this weekend because...

I got to see my babe decked out in red, white, and blue, cheerleading at the Elmendorf AFB football game.

I loved this weekend because...

we did silly things, like make silly feathered hats and build silly looking forts completed with a portable DVD player, because watching movies in a tent is mucho fun.

I loved this weekend because...
it finally stopped raining (after 32 days) and the sky opened up to the perfect shade of blue. Doesn't it look divine?

I loved this weekend because...
it was so warm, that we got to add a little water. If you remember this post, we love us some water!

I loved this weekend because...

we went barefoot and squished our toes between the soft blades of green grass.

I hope ya'll enjoyed your weekend as much as we have! Ours was simply gorgeous.


  1. Wow!!! Your photography is just amazing! The pic with your son sitting in the grass...so amazing!!! Puts a smile on my face!!

    Jennie Pie
    "Capturing sweet in the East"

  2. Oh my gosh- you're the sweetest! Thank you for your beautiful comments- it totally made my day!!!!
