Of course, that only lasted for so long- little bodies got restless, cabin fever set in, and so Krysta told the rain to "kiss it". She stepped into her cherry rain boots and made a mad dash towards the front door. Before I knew it, she was running, jumping, and twisting over every square inch of our front yard.

I tell you, it's pure happiness.

Watching Krysta enjoy life- rain or shine- she's bound for greatest. She's going to move mountains and find that spoonful of sunshine wherever she goes!

Look at this little dude- he's found his thumb! We've tried EVERY pacifier known to man, but William would never take to it. Today, I'm singing to the Heavens.

Oh man, and last night these guys had me laughing so hard that my sides split!
Ron and I have a "system"-
He gets Will ready for his bath,
I bathe him,
He gets him lotion-ed up and dressed,
I feed him and lay him down.
....Easy Peasy
So, last night I heard this high-pitched voice (Ron) say, "mooooooom, I'm ready for my baaaaath." I look up to see this little, half naked baby peeping around the corner.
Hilarious! Okay, so you had to be there in person. But take my word for it- it. was. HILARIOUS!

Another day is coming to an end.
Life is precious, make the most of it!

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