03 November 2011

The Mermaid and The Dragon.

As I sit here remembering Halloween night, I’m surrounded by all things autumn --my windows are open, a pot of hot tea is brewing, and the intoxicating aroma of Scentsy’s Redwood & Cedar is burning throughout my living room-- I can’t help but to think about how fast time truly goes by. We’re almost to the end of the year, and Halloween is just the first of four holiday goodness!

my friend Andria is a Scentsy Consultant-- check out her website to discover the new autumn and winter collection!

Halloween has come and gone in a blink of an eye. It seems just like yesterday we were settling into our new home and picking out flowers for our front yard. And now the howling of November’s winds have lured the petals off of those same flowers to dance in its gusts, as autumn’s copper-toned leaves wildly cheers them on as they dangle from dainty tree limbs. I hear them rustling outside, “Come fly with us”, they shout. And I can’t help but to surrender to all the bounty this upcoming month has to offer --from the swishing of jewel-toned leaves, to apple cider, to hot pumpkin pie. It’s delightful, really.

And you know what else is delightful? Halloween night. A night where we dressed the kids up in their costumes to partake in the ritual of Trick-or-Treating. We love Halloween, and not for the candy, but for decking out in costumes!

I started making the kids costumes way back in September, and it was totally worth it. Years from now they’ll remember these magical holidays and the excitement and anticipation that came with it.

This year William started out as a seagull. After hours of constructing and reconstructing his wings over a dozen times, I finally got them just right. Little did I know, there was no way in Hades that Will would allow me to put it over his head….

*Que the screaming toddler*

Goodbye feathery fluff

Long story short, one of my good friends let us use her son’s dragon costume, which was perfect because Will LOVES dragons!

Hello Puff the Magic Dragon

Continuing on…

The kids had a blast going from door to door filling their pumpkin with an assortment of sweet confections. My little dragon quickly picked up on how to score the treats --by the end of the night he became a trick-or-treating pro.

We’re now tucking away the ghosts, goblins, and the black cats back into storage bins, and pulling out our turkeys, cornucopias, and all things Thanksgiving.

"In the garden, Autumn is, indeed the crowning glory of the year, bringing us the fruition of months of thought and care and toil.  And at no season, safe perhaps in Daffodil time, do we get such superb colour effects as from August to November."
-   Rose G. Kingsley, The Autumn Garden

Let’s all get busy welcoming November, the month of Thankfulness!


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