28 March 2011

A farewell to winter.

Spring is just over the horizon. The sunlight is extending its rays across the Alaska tundra, melting away our frozen white landscape and leaving a golden glow on every surface it touches. And in some places if you look really, really, really close, you’ll see the tippy tops of grass blades peeking though, reaching towards the sky.

We enjoy this time of year, the merging of the seasons. The earth awakens with all things new and fresh, like spring’s first rain and baby chicks hatching and cherry blossoms blooming. Of course, at the moment this isn’t happening in Alaska, but the wildlife is making its way down the mountain and feasting on anything it can get its hands on --that is a sure sign that spring is, indeed, on its way.

In honor of our soon-to-be spring, I’m going to wrap up our February and March winter photos that didn’t quite make it onto my blog.

Dashing Through the Snow

This winter, Krysta was part of her school’s cross-country ski team and she loved, loved, loved it! My girl has been zip-tailing it around the bend and kicking up snow as she took long strides with her outrageously long skis. Doesn’t she look fast?


Krysta has also been a busy ballerina. The girls have been diligently toe-tapping and tutu-swishing like graceful little swans, all dancing in rhythm of the music.

We have a dance recital coming up in just 7 short weeks; you can bet your hiney that there will be more photos to come.

One word that describes their recital costumes, swoon.

William on the GO

William has been up to his own little happenings. He has taken up a huge interest in books. Sometimes he chews on the books. Sometimes he attempts to rip them. But mostly, he flips through the cardboard pages and rubs his fingers across pictures of fluffy sheep and spotted puppies.

I’m harvesting his love for books by taking regular outings to Barnes and Noble. We did this when Krysta was a toddler --Outback for dinner, Barnes & Noble for lattes, followed by Thomas the Train and books for the kids-- I’m pleased that we're carrying on with our little tradition.


On March 19th, the “supermoon” appeared. The last time the Supermoon came out, I was 11 years old and didn’t give two flips about seeing a moon. Now, 17 years later, I gave way more than two flips about seeing that over-the-top moon. This was a real treat, you guys. Spectacular!

There were some badass photos (pardon my French) taken of the gigantic moon that night. Click here for your viewing pleasure.


You’re going to have to keep me grounded when talking about my girl’s academic award because I’m simply over-the-moon giddy about this one!

This was her third academic and outstanding citizenship award this year. All of her hard work and all of our hard work pushing her to be-the-best-she-can-be, paid off.

Krysta was just as ecstatic --if not more-- as I was.

Her confidence is soaring high.


This just about wraps up our winter happenings. It truly has been a blessed one.

Here's to a fantastic week and a Happy Spring!

 it's like an upside down ocean

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