08 February 2011

Happy, Go, Lucky

 I feel like I’m ordering my days through the line at Subway.

Why yes, I’ll take the busy wheat bread of life, topped with dance class, XC Ski Team, appointments, grocery and post office runs, commissions, and just a sprinkle of stress and time management and a sleepless teething baby for good measure.

Would you like your sandwich toasted?

Nope, no time. I’ll just indulge in it right now, thankyouverymuch.

Why the food analogy? Because I started a diet this week, and food is all I can think about! I will say this, I’m kicking ass. I’ve been tempted, oh believe me, temptation was mean and strong and knocking at my door, but I defeated it. Heck yes!

Moving on.

Lately, I’ve been a “happy, go, lucky” girl. Life is good. So good that it’s overflowing and bursting-at-the-seams. I’m fulfilled to the rim.

As I sipped my morning coffee and starred out my window with a fantastic view-- pure white snow that shimmers through the light of golden rays hugging the snow-capped mountains that are surrounded by a bright blue backdrop-- I couldn’t help but to feel blessed. Blessed in so many ways. There’s so much good happening in my life right now, that I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around it all.

So what does a girl do when she’s constantly giddy from her ears to the tips of her toes?

She wears sparkles, of course!

Mr. Golden Sun has been shining down us and it has been nothing less than divine. I bundled up my babe in his over-stuffed-marshmallow-looking snowsuit and happily jumped outside to bask in the light. After a very cold dark January, this felt like heaven.

Happiness Factor= Very High

Gah, how can you not eat his fluffy cheeks? Nom Nom Nom.

Krysta joined the Cross-Country Ski Team and is rocking it out. Her confidence has soared to a whole new level. And that makes my heart swell 4 ½ times its normal size.

This also means, our evenings are extra busy- especially Thursdays. After school she goes straight into skiing until 5pm, then rush to dinner, then it’s off to ballet, tap, and jazz until 8:30pm…. then it’s homework and bath.

Um yeah, I know it’s a lot, but Krysta really wants this, so I say “go for it”! Who am I to tell her she can’t, when she’s feeling so ambitious, you know?

And her ambition doesn’t stop there. She constantly wants to help her dad shovel snow.

snow in face= daddy fail! oops.

Even though we’re slammed packed with extra activities, we still take the time to slow down and enjoy the little things in life, like freshly bathed babes.

Bath time is one of my favorite times of the day. It’s our chance to put the chaos aside and just be. William is 100% a water baby. He freely splashes around and pops lavender scented bubbles that fizz in the water.

We play until the water shrivels up little fingers and toes.

Bath times are fun times. Sometimes Krysta will sit on the toilet seat and tell William stories. Sometimes we pretend to be pirates who like to eat mermaids. Sometimes we’re ocean monsters and we whack shampoo bottles off the edge of the tub. But sometimes we like to sacrifice animals, such as a goat or a lamb or… er, a calf?

Sorry calf. You’ll now be dunked in the Tub of Doom for my baby’s enjoyment.

In non-sacrificing news: Spring is coming. I can feel it. Krysta can feel it too. Her obsession with the color orange proves it. She only wants to wear orange, eat only orange foods, drink only orange drinks…you get my drift.

William, on the other hand, will eat anything and everything and in any color you put in front of his face. He’s a human garage disposal, downing anything from goldfish to magazine pages.

We’re nothing short of busy. My house officially looks like a daycare- a happy daycare at that.

Toys are scattered over every inch of the floor like confetti; there’s no doubt a baby lives here and we’re pretty content with that.

I’m going to wrap this post up now. I gotta a wee one waiting for me to play blocks.

Happy Tuesday!



  1. Your pictures are all so fabulous. Your wee ones are adorable. And I love your analogy with Subway :) Keep spreading the joy Ms. Happy Go Lucky!

  2. Those babes are gorgeous!

    I think Lia and William would get along great. She can put back some food and make some good messes herself!

    I've got to get some of that happiness you've got going on. I have been stressed and just can't find my happy-go-lucky mojo.

    Isn't is crazy I have houses down from yours? We drove all up and down that street. We were looking for the wild horses! It's so crazy that I grew up in New Bern and visited Beaufort so many times but we meet through our blogs!

    Small world!

    Good luck on your diet, I need to start one too!

  3. Love love love your post. I felt your energy. I felt your love for your family. I felt the excitement of all the activities. Glad that your cup runneth over with joy!

  4. this is a sweet post, your children are beautiful! i'm an air force wife too! well..air national guard, but his job is full-time so we're considered active duty air force. i really loved hearing about all the positives in your life, i rocked a diet this week too! i did have a piece of pizza last night but it was a birthday party and my extreme part of my diet is over this morning, haha.
    good luck with all your many happy endeavors!

